The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has recovered more than AED 2.3 million of financial support from 107 UAE citizens who accepted fake jobs in the private sector.
These individuals were beneficiaries of the Nafis programme, which provides financial incentives and other benefits to encourage Emiratis to work in the private sector.
The ministry urged UAE citizens not to be lured by fake jobs offered by companies looking to evade Emiratisation targets.
"Our systems track companies’ compliance with hiring Emiratis in real jobs, paying their salaries as agreed in their contracts through the Wage Protection System (WPS) and as shown in the digital link between the Ministry and pension funds in the UAE," the ministry said in a statement.
"We also have an effective smart inspection system and conduct regular field visits to companies employing Emiratis," it added.
Violations of Emiratisation policies can be reported through the ministry's call centre (600590000), smart application or website.
Last month, the MoHRE announced that it penalised 436 companies that indulged in fake Emiratisation since the second half of 2022.
As per the Emiratisation policy, private companies with at least 50 employees are required to increase their Emirati workforce by 1 per cent every six months.
Meanwhile, establishments with 20 to 49 employees, and operating in certain sectors, are required to hire at least one UAE national in 2024 and another in 2025.