Journey time at Kite Beach has been cut from 15 minutes to five minutes thanks to improvements made by Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA). New lane increases, in two directions, will allow for more capacity and less waiting time, the RTA said.
تماشياً مع مساعي #هيئة_الطرق_و_المواصلات الدائمة نحو حركة مرور أكثر سلاسة في مختلف مناطق دبي، وللتعامل مع الأحجام المرورية المرتفعة على شارع كايت بيتش في منطقة جميرا، نفذت الهيئة تعديلاً جديداً تضمن تحويل الشارع من مسار بكل اتجاه إلى مسارين في نفس الاتجاه، مما يساهم في رفع الطاقة… pic.twitter.com/aL9LgCqWtD
— RTA (@rta_dubai) February 13, 2025
In a post on X the RTA wrote: "In line with continuous efforts towards smoother traffic movement in various areas of Dubai, and to deal with the high traffic volumes on Kite Beach Road in Jumeirah, the Authority has implemented a new modification that includes converting the road from one lane in each direction to two lanes in the same direction, which contributes to doubling the road’s capacity and reducing the journey time from 15 minutes to just 5 minutes."
The authority also confirmed that additional parking spaces have been made available for motorists, reducing time to find somewhere to stop.