UAE joins BRICS foreign ministers meeting in Russia


The UAE is participating in the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting, which began on Monday in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said that the UAE will work hand in hand with its BRICS partners to address global challenges in various fields.

This is the first meeting of its kind since the UAE and several other nations joined the group, which initially included Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. 

Security and economic cooperation are high on the agenda at the two-day meeting.

"It is a great privilege to represent the UAE, for the first time in BRICS. I hope that the UAE's membership will mark an important milestone in the group's journey and serve as an additional incentive to further solidify bilateral relations among member states," said Sheikh Abdullah.

He stated that the UAE’s foreign policy is based on the unequivocal commitment to international law and core principles, such as respecting state sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, promoting dialogue and resolving crises through political and diplomatic means.

"Based on these very principles, the UAE reiterates its call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, alongside the rapid and unobstructed delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need, as well as the release of all hostages and detainees," the UAE minister added.

"We are also supportive of responsible collective efforts to pursue needed reforms at the international level and to enhance the representation of developing and less developed countries in multilateral institutions," he explained.

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