Boys attending UAE public schools will now be able to decide whether to wear their uniform or the country's national dress (Kandora).
In a series of tweets, the Emirates Schools Establishment (ESE) said it will provide the option to students in the second and third cycles (Grade 5 and above.
The move is based on suggestions from parents and to build on the national identity among its student community.
The authority elaborated that Kandora with Al Hamdaniya will be available for boys in the third cycle.
The new school uniform for boys comprises white shirt, a tie and blue trousers.
It comes after the board introduced the same set of uniforms for all public school students across all emirates.
Sarah bint Youssef Al Amiri, Minister of State for Public Education and Advanced Technology, and Chairperson of the Emirates School Education Foundation, said the move aims to "emphasize the importance of consolidating national values in the educational field, and strengthening the process of partnership with parents".
The ESE added that it will collaborate with school representatives and Emirati designers while designing and choosing school uniforms in the future.
مؤسسة الإمارات للتعليم المدرسي تعلن عن إتاحتها خيار ارتداء الزي الوطني للطلبة البنين ضمن الحلقتين الثانية والثالثة وذلك تماشياً مع استطلاع ورغبة أولياء الأمور على أن يكون اختياريا بدءا من الأسبوع المقبل، فيما سيطبق إلزاميا العام الدراسي القادم . pic.twitter.com/YaXgmG788S
— مؤسسة الإمارات للتعليم المدرسي (@ese_ae) August 31, 2022