All schools and establishments in the UAE have been told to report COVID-19 cases to the health authorities.
In a video published on their official social media handles, the Federal Public Prosecution said the move aims to curb the spread of the virus.
According to Article 12 of the Federal Law No 14 of 2014 concerning Prevention of Communicable Diseases, the school head or company manager must report a positive case to the Ministry of Health and Prevention after conducting adequate medical examination through specialised doctors.
The infected person and their first contacts must undergo quarantine as per the health guidelines.
The law also stipulates that the school head or company manager can refuse the infected person from entering the facility until they've got the all-clear from the health authorities.
#النيابة_العامة للدولة توضح التزامات مدير المؤسسة التعليمية أو غيرها من المنشآت في حالة حدوث إصابة بمرض "#كوفيد_19" لدى أي من الطلاب أو العاملين بالمنشأة#وام https://t.co/lGl4Tow79M pic.twitter.com/Zi3NThbDEN
— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) February 19, 2021