The UAE's Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team, currently on a humanitarian mission in Libya, has successfully located 181 individuals previously reported missing following Cyclone Daniel.
The UAE team have also assisted Libyan authorities and teams in helping the affected and displaced, providing them with aid and relief.
The team are equipped with state-of-the-art tools and are specialists in forensic medicine, dentistry, and DNA.
Their mission underscores the UAE's continued humanitarian commitment to support Libya following the aftermath of the cyclone.
Cyclone Daniel caused widespread flooding in the city of Derna, one of the worst-hit zones.
فريق الإمارات للبحث والإنقاذ يسهم في العثور على 181 مفقود لضحايا إعصار دانيال في درنة الليبية
— وزارة الداخلية (@moiuae) October 4, 2023
أسهمت جهود فريق البحث والإنقاذ الإماراتي المتواجد على الأراضي الليبية ضمن مهمته الإنسانية المتواصلة في العثور على (181) مفقود نتيجة كارثة الإعصار الذي ضرب مدينة درنة في ليبيا الشقيقة،… pic.twitter.com/wIWTG3TQZi