The Al Ain FC player praised the government response to the pandemic and encouraged fans to follow preventative measures to curb the spread of the disease.
In a video message posted on Twitter by the Abu Dhabi Media Office, Mohammed Abdulrahman thanked the leadership and the government for prioritising the community’s safety and health.
“I would like to thank His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed from the bottom of my heart and pledge to obey and follow the instructions to the letter,” he said.
“Of course we have witnessed difficult circumstances this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has changed everything,” said the 31-year-old midfielder.
“We have to look after ourselves, our families and the community, by following the preventative measures and using PPE,” he continued.
Abdulrahman made special note of the role of widespread testing in containing the spread of the disease.
“We are so thankful that we are in the UAE and in Abu Dhabi, as our leaders and the government are dealing with our health and safety as top priorities by providing free testing and treatment for large numbers of community members,” he said.
“Undergoing testing is the most effective way to combat the spread of this pandemic, through early detection, even if no symptoms are evident.”
“The higher the number of tests, the higher our chances of curbing the spread of this pandemic,” he concluded.
The number 16 has been with Al Ain FC since the 2008-09 season.
محمد عبد الرحمن لاعب نادي العين يشكر القيادة الحكيمة والحكومة الرشيدة التي وضعت صحة وسلامة أفراد المجتمع في مقدمة أولوياتها، ووفرت الفحص والعلاج مجاناً للكثير من أفراد المجتمع، مشيراً إلى أن الفحوصات الاستباقية والكشف المبكر من أهم السبل لاحتواء انتشار الفيروس.#انت_مسؤول pic.twitter.com/SuPlrpf1xb
— مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@ADMediaOffice) August 1, 2020